Genetic Tests
Use code GenLaunch for an extra $50 off until January 31, 2024.
You are on the verge of gaining unprecedented insights into your body. Recent advancements in the science of the human body now allow scientists to examine and decode an individual’s DNA.
Genetic testing utilizes bodily specimens such as saliva, blood, or other tissues to unveil details about chromosomes and genes. Beyond identifying crucial genes, the analysis delves into specific areas on each gene known as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), shaping your genotype.
Your genetic analysis reveals the combinations of genes within each category, assigning a rating based on a calculated score for each trait. Some categories have a single associated gene, while others encompass multiple genes, collectively shaping potential influences.
Throughout our lives, we strive to understand ourselves better, particularly regarding how our body functions and responds to habits and behaviors. Traditionally, this knowledge has been acquired through trial and error. However, this report breaks from that pattern, offering a unique opportunity to comprehend how your body operates at a genetic level.
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